Now the most common heavy horse in of the USA, the Belgian is large, calm, and very powerful. It is an ancient breed dating back to the 11th. century, and served as the foundation for other well known breeds such as the Shire and Clydesdale.
In recent years more teams of Belgians have pulled the steamer than any other breed. Three teams have frequently been used. For many years the only team used belonged to the late Dr. William Perkins and his Cold Spring Farms. This team is shown in the first photograph. In more recent years a beautiful team belonging to the late Mr. Gail and Mrs. Arnold of Beach Lake, PA, shown in the second picture with Bailie Rutherford on the left and Gail Arnold on the right. Most recently, a beautiful team owned by Rodney Whitmoyer of Moscow, PA. has pulled the engine in local parades while a fine team of black Percherons has pulled it in away parades. The first time this Belgian team pulled the engine the mare in the team had a young colt who trotted along throughout the parade, and made a big hit with the public and one of our unofficial torch boys, Nathan Pratt.
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